Nombre ponente
Seraid Caynas Rojas
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana campus Iztapalapa (UAM-I)
Jueves 14 de noviembre 2024, 10:10 - 12:10
Cognitive-behavioural analysis of a Mexican traditional healing ceremony from a symbolic interactionism perspective.
Human beings develop a symbolic interpretation of reality and play an appropriate role. It has been proposed the existence of situations not bound to the actions of individuals, but have a coercive influence upon them, known as social facts (SF). SF are subdivided into social acts (SA), concrete actions to achieve sub-goals that together achieve the final goal, and are determined by the SF to which they belong. In this case, the SF is the experimental study of traditional medicine, a cultural contex bringing from Antropology and Neuroscience. Particularly, we foucust on “limpia”, an aspect of tradicional health care to foresee the cause of patient’s malaises and heal him at the same time, passing an egg or a candle through the patient’s body to partially absorb his energy. Analising a video depectig a electroencephalographic study of a tradicional medical check lets defined SA accordingly with their behavioral expressions, linguistic aspects and its symbolic interaction with the SF. The SA identified were Periods of reference, “Limpia”, Egg reading, Feel pulse, Externalization of diagnosis and treatment, and Massage. The time of beginning and end of these SA served for electroencephalographic study.
Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist and doctor in biomedical sciences, has been dedicated to teaching, research and scientific dissemination. His interests include the history of psychology, research methodology, psychometrics and health psychology. In the area of neuroscience, his work has focused on the study of the olfactory system, appetitive behaviors and optogenetic control of the prefrontal cortex in relapse to cocaine self-administration. Currently collaborates with the project "Dialogue of knowledge around the therapeutic potentialities of mushrooms containing psilocybin. A transdisciplinary study through neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, history and indigenous traditional knowledge" (CONAHCyT #1560311), which has allowed him to study the neuropsychologic effects of psilocybin, the substance responsible for the psychedelic experience of hallucinogenic mushrooms and approached him to its ritual use.