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Symposium 7

Dishonesty, cheating and corruption from cognitive sciences

Date and time:

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2024

6:20 p. m.


1. Dra. Paola Hernández Chávez
2. Dr. Jonatan García Campos

1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Unidad Iztapalapa)
2. Instituto de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango


The topics of cognitive science have expanded in recent years, going from studying classic topics such as perception, reasoning or decision making; to more general themes such as dishonesty. As various authors maintain, dishonesty covers issues such as cheating, deception, corruption, concealment, (dis)trust, among others. The variety of problems that accompany these themes begins with the way in which we understand these concepts, the reasons that cause this type of behavior to be committed, the consequences, their detection, the emotional aspects that accompany them, and a long etcetera. . Sometimes attempts have been made to address these problems by appealing to theoretical and experimental approaches, sometimes traditional, such as, for example, how humans perceive that cheating is occurring, or how it is decided whether to cheat or not. Other aspects closer to the 4E explain how the social or the environment can make a subject or a group of people stop engaging in dishonest behavior. Here, for example, the topic of pushing has been widely developed. In that table we will address this large set of coordinates.


Luis Enrique Segoviano

Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, UNAM

Jonatan García Campos

Instituto de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango

La corrupción y sus causas. Un análisis desde la percepción del engaño

Carlos Contreras

Departamento de Sociología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa

Paola Hernández Chávez

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa

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