Background of the CINCCO
In Mexico, the UAEM has been the pioneer institution in the field of Cognitive Sciences. Since 2010, it is the only institution in the country that offers a postgraduate program in Cognitive Sciences (PCC), but since 1999 the UAEM has been conducting research in this field, involving key players at a national and international level. In 2006, the Transdisciplinary Cognitive Studies Unit (UTEC) project was created, which brought together researchers from the UAEM in philosophy, psychology, computer sciences and complex sciences, who already shared a vision of the need and relevance of generating and disseminating interdisciplinary knowledge around cognition. The PCC Basic Academic Nucleus (NAB) today forms a mature, competitive and diverse base that carries out research of recognized quality in this field. The postgraduate program, as well as the research carried out by the faculty, is objectively an academic success, which has resulted in rapid growth of the program and its demand among students from various areas and universities (from the country and abroad). ). Likewise, the interaction between the various disciplinary areas that support the PCC is a reliable and daily fact, increasingly strengthening the spirit of inter/transdisciplinary research encouraged by the institution. At the same time, the collaborations abroad of the institution and the participation in world-class events by PCC researchers, thanks to their publications, have made clear the positioning of Cognitive Sciences at the UAEM on the national and international scene. international. Finally, the net proliferation of institutions and programs dedicated to this field worldwide in the last five years, including the multi-billion dollar long-term projects of the Brain Project and the Human Brain Project (from the United States and the European Union, respectively), in Together they make clear the opportunity that the current moment represents to institutionally consolidate the UAEM in the field of research and application that concerns us.
In this context, the creation of a Cognitive Sciences Research Center (CINCCO) at the UAEM stands out as a logical consequence of the development achieved in the institution up to now, capitalizing on the effort invested over the years and the opportunity of the moment. Moreover, this creation will allow the institutionalization of research in Cognitive Sciences in this country, definitively establishing the UAEM as an obligatory reference and authority in this field of knowledge at the national level, and as a competitive and important actor at the international level.