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Ethics, Ecology and Society Conversation

This Conversation is intended as a space for problematization, analysis and discussion of issues that concern ecology and human society in general, with an ethical and pragmatic motivation in the background. That is, it is about addressing specific problems that concern us all as citizens of the world and as members of a particular society, under the slogan "think globally, act locally."


Although theorizing is welcome, in this space we seek above all to become aware of specific problems and issues that directly or indirectly affect the individual and their environment, immediately proposing possible solutions and paths of action that result in greater individual and collective well-being.


We seek clarity and rigor in discussion and analysis, as well as the viability and sustainability of the proposed solutions, without this necessarily requiring formalism or technical jargon.


We seek to support the discussion with empirical data and argumentation, without necessarily requiring academics. This space is open to any citizen who – with an ethical motivation – wishes to present a specific topic/problem that affects society and/or ecology, for collective analysis and eventual solution.


We seek to create a space of empowerment for all of us who feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the problems and challenges of today's world, but who also believe that community meeting and discussion is the key to beginning to reverse social and environmental deterioration, and also the path to building a better world –––without proselytizing or particular religious or political obedience.

This Conversation is free and we consider it part of our social responsibility at CINCCO; Therefore, we are not able to make any payment to the speakers.




If you are interested in participating in a Conversation, you must adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Sending a concise and eloquent title; a summary of 15 lines (approximately) about the proposal; a biographical sketch about the speaker; eventual bibliography or study material.

  2. Presentation of 45-60 minutes, with a subsequent discussion of 60-75 minutes.

  3. The presentation proposals will be subject to acceptance/modification by the Organizing Committee. The order of the presentations will be according to the order in which they arrive and are accepted.

  4. The conversation has a monthly rhythm: third Wednesday of the month, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., at the Chamilpa campus of the UAEM (Cuernavaca, Morelos). It can also be in virtual mode, for special situations.

  5. Send proposals to:

  6. Working materials and documents/information related to the topic to be discussed are welcome.

Schedule: 12 to 2 p.m.

Venue: (In person) Auditorium of the Cognitive Sciences Research Center. Or, in virtual mode through the Google Meet platform.

Organizing committee:

  • Juan C. González González

  • Mayra Morán Castrejón

Más allá del diagnóstico: Voces y ecos sobre el autismo. Hablemos en familia

Adán Jardón y Valeria Pérez

2 de abril 2025

Sabor a Vida: Alimentación, Atención Plena y el Arte de Habitar el Cuerpo

Natalia Paz de Sayve

19 de marzo 2025

Comunicación que conecta, introducción a la Comunicación No Violenta

Paola Willis Fonnegra

5 de marzo 2025

La sanación de nuestra masculinidad a través de Circulos de Hombre

Dr. Jürgen Martín Fröhlich

22 de mayo 2024

Prácticas sustentables en jardines y huertos urbanos o de traspatio

Octavio Alejandro de León Parra

13 de marzo 2024

Importancia del agua y su cuidado en nuestra sociedad

Dr. Héctor Eduardo Arellano Franco

21 de febrero 2024

Impulsando la participación comunitaria corresponsable en los proyectos sociales y públicos “Metodología SPHIRA"

Paola Bibiana Enciso Casallas

22 de noviembre 2023

Sociocracia: Gobernanza Participativa

Pamela Carmona

18 de octubre 2023

¿Por qué no sano doctor?

Dr. Gabriel Oscar Bertona Chiaraviglio

6 de septiembre 2023

Uso de ecotecnologías en la vivienda para mitigar el cambio climático

Mtra. Pamela Estrellita Zúñiga Bello

24 de mayo 2023

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Cognitivas

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, C.P. 62209

Tel. (777) 3 29 7000 ext. 2240 y 3762

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