Academic Bodies
Epistemology and Cognitive Sciences
The Academic Body "Epistemology and Cognitive Sciences" of the UAEM currently has five PITC's sensitive to the paradigm called "situated cognition", which includes the phenomenological perspective as a method of studying human cognition.
Dr. Juan C. González González: PhD in Cognitive Sciences and Philosophy, École Polytechnique, France. 1998. Thesis: “La constitution de l’espace visuel: enquête épistémologique autour d’un système de suppléance sensorielle”. Topics of interest: Perception, consciousness, categorization, prosthetic epistemology, modified states of consciousness, ecological psychology, social theory, ecological ethics, affect theory.
Dr. Jean-Philippe Jazé: Doctorate in Contemporary Philosophy, UAEM, 2005. Thesis: Towards a nominalist theory of Categorization, UAEM; Topics of interest: Situated Cognition, Naturalized Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Enaction, Self-organized Systems, Poetic Creation, Phenomenology.
Dr. Germán O. López Riquelme: Doctorate in Biological Sciences with specialization in Neuroethology at the Laboratory of Comparative Neurophysiology of the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM with a thesis on the neurobiological bases of chemical communication and the division of labor in ants. Topics of interest: neurobiological bases of social behavior (socioneurobiology), biological rhythms, neuroethology and neuroecology, neuroanatomy, sensory physiology, neural pathways and maps, evolution of cognition and consciousness (developmental psychology), evolutionary ethics, cancer biology and stress oxidative and philosophy of science.
Dr. Diana Platas Neri: Doctor and Master in Anthropology from UNAM and a graduate in Physical Anthropology from ENAH. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Texas, under the auspices of the Fulbright program. He has carried out research stays at the Primate Research Center of the University of Barcelona, Spain; the Department of Neurobiology of the University of Nancy, France and the Imaging Research Center of the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico. He is a Full-Time Research Professor at the UAEM, where he collaborates with the Cognitive Sciences Research Center and the School of Studies
Superiors of the Jicarero.
The members of this Academic Body"Consolidated", have carried out joint publications, organized academic events, trained human resources and carried out management, dissemination and extension activities.