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Basic Academic Core

The Basic Academic Nucleus (NAB) of the Master's in Cognitive Sciences (MCC) is made up of full-time UAEM Professors-Researchers, who belong to different UAEM Academic Units.

All NAB members have PhDs (most of them have obtained it from prestigious foreign institutions), and dedicate themselves full time to research, teaching, academic management, tutoring and extension.


All the members of the NAB have publications and other products that demonstrate their trajectory as researchers in the lines of research and in the areas of knowledge that are their responsibility.

Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind

Dr. Jorge Oseguera Gamba

Dr. Jean Philippe Jazé

Dr. Abraham Sapién (invitado)

Dr. Juan C. González González

Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience

Dr. Héctor Solís Chagoyán

Dr. Germán Octavio López Riquelme

Dra. Nayeli Monterrosas Brisson

Language and Cognition

Dra. Asela Reig Alamillo

Dr. Alberto Falcón Albarran

Cognitive Psychology

Dra. Diana V. Castillo Padilla

Dra. Bernarda Téllez Alanís

Dr. Alberto Falcón Albarran

Dr. Gerardo Maldonado Paz

Cognitive Anthropology

Dra. Lorena Emilia Paredes González

Dra. Diana Platas Neri

social cognition

Dr. Germán Octavio López Riquelme

Cognición Artificial

Dra. Marta Lilia Eraña Díaz

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Cognitivas

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, C.P. 62209

Tel. (777) 3 29 7000 ext. 2240 y 3762

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