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Perceptual awareness in the blind visual field: subjective reports and neural markers

Prof. Silvia Savazzi

Universidad de Verona, Italia

Psicología Cognitiva

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020


In this talk she will discuss about the techniques in the measurement of visual perceptual awareness (yes/no conscious vs perceptual awareness scale paradigms) and its electrophysiological index.


Prof. Silvia’s major research interest concerns the study of perception and awareness in healthy participants and brain-damaged patients with visual field defects or neglect. In her research, she uses several techniques: behavior, electrophysiology (EEG), neuroimaging (fNIRS) and direct brain stimulation (TMS and intraoperative electrocortical mapping).

Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Cognitivas

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Av. Universidad 1001, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos, C.P. 62209

Tel. (777) 3 29 7000 ext. 2240 y 3762

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